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It’s no secret that COVD-19 is a virus that has caused severe mishaps throughout our country, and some of us are worried about our health, the health of a loved one. Some of us are worried about economic loss. So many questions unanswered” is this bioterrorism, an act of God, or a mad scientist” we don’t know & that can be scary.

All these worries are valid. The government is now in discussion for a surplus for the economic damage, ventilators, vaccines; but something I don’t see being stressed on CNN, FOX NEWS or CBS Is the mental health of every single adult, and child in America. While social distancing is extremely necessary for this serious virus to stop spreading, it can be a bit disheartening to practice it. How often are we stuck in the home with our kids, parents, or significant other 24/7 around the clock? I’m not going to lie to you, relationships are going to be tested. Patience is going to be tested; pressure is going to be applied; all natural stressors due to this serious lifestyle change. As humans we are naturally prone to physical touch, exploring our outside environment, interacting with others. Socializing is a huge staple in our everyday living and it’s needed for brain stimulation. We’re removing a huge part of our social sensory need and pushing it to the side, of course for the greater good, but still a new life stressor. I decided to make this post, not to scare anyone, not to add to the overwhelming thoughts, but only to share the reality of how our mental health will be affected by this pandemic. 

I want us first to think about our children. They were removed from school which limits face to face interactions with other student’s, building relationships with others outside your home, exploring their identity, testing boundaries, and the most basic action that most of us took for granted; just having a breath of fresh air. They are now confined in a home with television, internet or other types non interactive media forced to acclimate themselves to remote learning, which will probably require much more focus. Utilize that face time feature, be gentle as you can be, give your child lot’s of love, as much attention as you can, spend quality time; learn their love language. Second, I want to discuss YOU. You are now the parent, the teacher, the cook, an employee all under one roof, around the clock. I want you to be gentle with yourself, in the beginning it will be tough. Make sure you practice self care in between all your hats & if within your household you have a significant other, a family member, a friend, a close neighbor, please do not hesitate to ask for help, please make sure that the checks and balances are even. Please take it easy on yourself. Read a book, listen to music, journal, phone a friend, you can even E-Mail me ( or call the SAMHSA hotline at 1-800-662-4357. Take this time to think about your purpose, self actualize, I mean at this point we have no other choice. Right now at this very moment humanity is being tested. 

When all this is said is done, we will survive, we will get through this, but I’m going to be frank, most of us; if not all, will exhibit traumatic symptoms. The fact of the matter is, the entire United States of America has been effected by this. Some of us will lose jobs, businesses, family & friends. Not to mention our children will now have to be re-accustomed to going back to school, adjusting to social interactions, sitting in class. All stressors that will lead to high levels of depression and anxiety. So I say all this to say this. There’s NOT one single American who is not afflicted by this. 


God bless you and God Bless America!