Lately I haven’t been motivated to write any blogs. Partly because my viewpoint has shifted significantly due to COVID-19. Before this pandemic I felt it was crucial to be put together, to pose this image of professionalism because of my status quo, because I had a Master’s Degree and I had to represent that, but that’s not what made me happy. I realized it was okay for me to be prim, proper and polished but also blast trap music at 8:30am after dropping my daughter off at daycare. If someone judges me for external factors rather then an internal perspective that’s not a ME problem, that’s a THEM problem. What mattered is how I treat others. Do I motivate them, treat with them with respect, consider their perspective, express and show empathy and attempt to understand their worldview; offer no judgement, but understanding? That is what encapsulate a person with character, these are the factors that matter. In a matter of hours, we were forced to sit in our homes for months while we wait for humanity to work itself out. Till this day we don’t know what our future holds, but yet so many of us still find ourselves being bothered and consumed by the simplest things. We are in a phase where civilization itself is being tested. How we going to win when we ain’t right within? We have to learn how to build each other up as oppose to competing with one another, we have to start loving our men & our men have to start loving us. When I say this, I don’t mean it as if you have to be perfect, but the best quality of a human is to be honest with yourself first and other’s second. I learned through life that honesty is truly the best way to build healthy relationships, honesty isn’t peaches and cream; it hurts and it’s brutal, but it matters & it’s important. Stop worrying about the opinion of others & live your F****** LIFE, Life is way too short to not have fun and take risks, just make sure you don’t hurt anyone in the process and all else will fall into place.